
e-portfolio 5

My e -portfolio 5 is on my own group roundtable discussion. Actually I would like to have a summary on other groups. Since I have missed that lesson, I would have no choice but to stick to my group.
Our group roundtable is of a topic of renewable energies. Nowadays, most of energy is provided by burning of coal and fossil fuel. However, since these resources are finite and are going to run out in hundred years, we have to find some energy to replace them. I believe that the most crucial reason for us to search a substitution for coal and fossil is due to the fact that there are running out soon instead of our concern for environment. Nevertheless, our group discuss about some renewable energies like hydropower, solar power and nuclear power.
According to our research, hydropower is the most widely use renewable energy. About 17% of world energy is produced by hydropower. Hydropower is pollution-free. That is one feature which most of renewable energy has. Despite from that, many of countries around the world can adapt to hydropower as long as there are big streams and rivers. In addition, the efficiency of hydropower station is rather high which means the amount of money needed to invest in hydropower station is quite low as compare to that of wind power. Recently, there is a moveable hydropower dam being created. It increases the efficiency of hydropower evermore. However, the downside of it is rather clear. Countries with limited water resource would not embrace hydropower.
Another renewable energy we discussed is solar energy. It is especially relevant in Singapore. Being a tropical country, we do have sufficient solar energy. However, only a small amount of solar energy is used. It is simply because the cost of setting up a solar energy system is quite high. The solar panel is very expensive and not everyone can afford it. Some may argue that why the government do not subsidize for it. Well, that is the question I also want to know. I think may be that our government also think that the solar energy panel is so economically feasible to set up.
Last but now least, nuclear power is one energy that is most power and efficient. It is clear that the economic benefit of it is higher than all the other known renewable energies. The only and utmost concern is how to deal with the nuclear waste. The radioactive nature of the nuclear waste makes it highly unfavourable. No one like to have radioactive substance around them as there may result in cancer.

4 条评论:

  1. I have nothing to say about your content since we are in the same group. Haha.
    Maybe you should try to point out several points of views of some of us instead of simply summarising the discussion.

  2. AHHHH
    I realized how shalow our discussion went during the session. sob sob.
    anyway, it is just a summary.

  3. I have to write the summary of your group as well. We have similar summary and view.

  4. your views are very encompassing and thorough. good job! :)
