
Global warming

Global warming has become one of most challenging problems for mankind. We can either ignore it and suffer the consequences or pay attention to it and make sure that the problem is addressed. There are many ways to ease global warming as an individual or a group. Government plays big role when tackling global warming. Policies have to be implemented to reduce the problem of global warming.
One policy that should be implemented is to increase car tax for those cars which produce too much emission. Car emission is a major contributor to global warming. By putting more tax on these kinds of cars will then make hybrid cars and electrical cars cheaper by comparison. In this case, people are encouraged to drive cars which are more environmental friendly which could result in less care emission. By doing so it could help to reduce the problem of global warming.
Another policy that could contribute to reduce the problem of global warming is to increase the efficiency of fuel. Reason being simple, increase the efficiency of fuel could reduce the usage of fuel which ultimately result in less emission of carbon dioxide.
The most fundamental policy that should be implemented is to educate people world widely. Because everyone is responsible for global warming and it can be solve if we are all willing to do so. So if all individuals do his part, the problem can be solved. There are many things we can do to ease global warming as individual. For example, use more efficient light bulb. Close all electrical appliances when they are not in used. Practices the four Rs which are refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle. Refuse means that refuse to buy cars and foods which require long transportation.
In conclusion, the solutions of global warming are in our hands, we only need determination. If we choose to ignore global warming, we could witness a collision between civilization and earth in not far future. Who will win, we all know.

2 条评论:

  1. I can see your own view in tackling problems of global warming. The solutions are true, I also agree with the ways you mentioned.

    However,are they only your suggestions or the government policies? Since I see the word "One policy that should be implemented ...", It seems that those are your suggestions.

  2. The policy is well explained.
    However, as KiKi mentioned above,you should link your policy with certain government or organization in order to response to the question.
