
summary for lecture 2

I am rather impressed during lecture 2. All lectures have emphasized the consequences of global warming and how to ease global warming.
There are many consequences of global warming. Due to global warming, the temperature of earth increases tremendously. The melting of iceberg has resulted in increase in sea level. Hence, coastal areas are easily flooded. Countries like Singapore can be flooded if we keep on ignoring global warming. Apart from that, many new-founded viruses are also the result of global warming; such as avian flu and SARS. The damage of these viruses is well-known. Thousands of family are broken. Children are orphaned. In addition, the frequency of natural disasters across the world has reached an unprecedented high. All these problems are the result of global warming. That leads us to a serious question; how to ease global warming both as individual and as group.
According to Prof Andrew Palmer, global warming can be eased by increasing fuel efficiency and propagate conservation of energy. This can be achieved if government play his role well. Government can implement policies which help to reduce green house effect. Such as, increasing tax for vehicles that produce more carbon dioxide and reducing tax for environment friendly vehicles such as hybrid vehicles. There are many ways government could do to ease global warming, however, government alone cannot achieve it, not without the support people. We as individual should do our part. We should switch off electrical appliance when we are away. Not only that, we should also recognize new 4 Rs; refuse, reduce, reused and recycle. Refuse means that refusing purchasing cars and electrical appliances which are luxury.
Climate change is increasingly recognized as one of the most serious threats to humankind. However, there are still quite a number of people who either deny the fact of global warming or feel extremely hopeless for global warming. I believe that these kinds of attitude should not be encouraged. We should accept the world as it is, not as we might like it to be and do our best to make it a better place to live.
I believe that the solutions are in our hands, we can do and should do thing about global warming before it is too late.

4 条评论:

  1. good comments on the lecture's content, however personal view is not well developed....?

  2. You did bring out some interesting points about global warming.However, I think you can try link them more with the lecture on 30 January instead of just elaborating yourself.

  3. I think you have brillient idea on the problems of global warming.

    you can mention more about what the lecturers said and less on own opinion.

  4. you have a good overview of the lecture's discussion. In addition I feel that you have a good grasp of the global warming topic!

    good job!
